fredag 30 maj 2014

Progress Report - Eyes Cut Open - 31/05 -14

The mix sounds awesome.
The first master was better than expected.
But the damn thing ain't finshed yet.

To be honest since the last post I don't think I've recorded anything. I've been mixing a lot and focusing on school and friends over the last few weeks but if all goes well the final recordings will be done next week.

To clarify, what remains is this:
* Vocals
* Most of the foley-work (The storytelling during the main tracks)
* Some bass cleanup (Might skip this one but there are a few small parts that annoy me about the clean bass right now).

måndag 12 maj 2014

Progress Report - Eyes Cut Open - 12/05 -14

Lyrics are done. Or rather the first decent versions of the lyrics are done but melodies for the vocals are yet to be written. For a few different reasons this stage took a little longer to reach (school taking priority, problems with new hardware, etc) but it's stabilizing now. There's still work to be done, some things about the mix are still to be solved (some strange volumes here and there) but the general sound is there and most the more annoying things are gone. Of course there's still vocals to deal with but after it's just finetuning the mix a little bit more and mastering remaining.

torsdag 1 maj 2014

Close to the End

The mixing process has entered the phase where I remove half of the shit I've added and weaken the rest. A cleanup process which pretty much allways happens and which usually improves the general quality and clarity of the mix substantially...
Hopefully it will this time as well ;)