Hello there! I created a blog today!
It's this one if you haven't figured that out yet, not saying that you haven't but you never know.
How are you today?
Anyway, I'll post some info here now and then about what's going on with Hums In The Dark. My guess is that it will mostly be a quick little text now and then saying that I'm writing on something or recording something else, nothing too heavy you know. Could be interesting though, might make a little clearer how active I actually am with this project to those who may take the time to listen.
On another note, I'm recording an album. It's and album I've writing on basically ever since Universal Queen came out. It's gonna be pretty big, one song actually turned out to be like eight minutes. I'm pretty proud of that to be honest. I've written longer but nothing with that high density in content and variation. Most of the electric guitars have been recorded as well as all the ambient stuff and overall the project's been layed properly so that I can start adding more detail and so on, with some temporary drums and piano. Similar to the writing process however it will take some time to finish this part of the process. I want to make it as good as possible, if nothing else then for the fact that I put way too much energy and time into writing the damn thing. To prolong the whole thing I've also got a new guitar that feels and works very differently than my old one which means I'm spending a lot of time just figuring out how to play on it basically, but that's mostly a good thing though as it sounds a hole lot better than the old one. A PRS Tremonti for those interesting in knowing.
Well that's about it, Imma go back to listening to Zappa and possibly take another look at how this blog looks and works, etc.
Happy journeys.
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